Getting Your Band Noticed: Essential Tips for Engaging with the Music Press

Navigating the world of the music press can be both an exciting and slightly perplexing journey for new bands on the brink of their musical careers. So, what is music press, and how can emerging bands utilise it effectively to garner attention and build a team? Let's dive into the essentials of harnessing the power of publicity and PR in the music industry.

Getting the buzz going and building a team around your band often starts with capturing the interest of pivotal individuals in the industry, such as managers. Imagine this scenario: a manager hears about your band, gets intrigued, and decides to Google you alongside a few other emerging bands. What they find (or don’t find) can significantly influence their perception and subsequent actions. So, ensuring there's something to find – blog posts, interviews, or features on platforms like BBC Introducing – becomes crucial. These elements serve as your band’s current news on Google, gradually constructing a narrative about who you are and what you're doing.

Seeking publicity should be viewed as building a foundation for your band

Creating a foundation by securing small blog posts and media features not only boosts your visibility but also provides content to share through your social media channels. This means that when industry professionals look you up, they'll see that you're not only investable but that you’ve begun investing in yourself. By laying the groundwork, any manager or industry professional exploring a partnership with your band will recognise that you have established some direct relationships and basic publicity that they can build upon.

Now, how can new bands secure this basic press, especially when starting from scratch? There are a few routes to explore:

The DIY Route
Essentially, this involves reaching out to various blogs and media outlets that you'd like to secure coverage from, building an email list, and sending out press releases. It’s vital to be direct about what you're seeking from them and to make it easy by providing your music via SoundCloud or Spotify links, rather than sending MP3s.

Engaging a Publicist
If budget allows, hiring a publicist could be an option, though typically this comes further down the line when the band becomes more sustainable financially.

Submission Platforms
Embracing the new generation's approach, many bands might opt never to hire a publicist, instead leveraging submission platforms like Musosoup, SubmitHub, Groover, and Playlist Push, among others. These platforms each have their specialities and can offer varying opportunities for bands to get their music in front of the right people.

In essence, engaging with the music press and seeking publicity should be viewed as building a foundation for your band. By making these initial investments in your publicity and establishing a presence, you're not only making your band more visible and appealing to industry professionals but also creating a solid base upon which further promotional efforts and team-building can occur.

Engaging with the music press and gaining publicity, especially when you’re a new band, requires a keen understanding of the landscape, a dash of DIY spirit, and a strategic approach to making the most out of available resources. The journey might be intricate, but with the right moves, your music can find its way into the right ears, sparking a journey into an exciting musical career.


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